Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life

34. Overcoming body image and food concerns as a Team USA women's wrestler with Jenna Burkert

May 14, 2024 Beth Basham

Explore the profound journey of a professional women's wrestler, Jenna Burkert, as she opens up about overcoming deep-seated body image and food concerns within the highly competitive world of athletics. You'll be amazed at the profound insight and discussion on the transformative power of intuitive eating and self-compassion, the pernicious pressures of weight and appearance in sports, and Jenna's personal evolution from an athlete under scrutiny to an advocate for positive change. This episode is a call to arms against the restrictive eating habits damaging to both mental and physical health. As Jenna transitions into coaching, her experiences reveal invaluable insights into nurturing not just a healthy body but a thriving soul. Tune in and witness a vibrant dialogue illuminating the path to food freedom and genuine self-acceptance.

Speaker Bio: Jenna Burkert is a world class female wrestler who has represented the United States 4-time world team member and a 9-time national team member in women's freestyle wrestling. She has also held the status of Olympic alternate and earned a world bronze medal. Outside of her career as a professional athlete, she holds a mental performance coaching certificate, which allows her to help others unlock their full potential.

IG handle: @thejokerjb_        


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