Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life

23. Exposing the "war on childhood obesity" with Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun

Beth Basham

We're exposing the “war on childhood obesity” with Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun,' an esteemed clinical psychologist and certified intuitive eating counselor.  In this deep and enlightening conversation we delve into the contentious topic of childhood obesity, challenging traditional perceptions and the stigma surrounding body weight. Dr. Rathbun shares her expert insights on why the 'war on obesity' is misguided, focusing instead on the significance of emotional well-being, stress, nutrition, and lifestyle as crucial factors in a child's overall health. This conversation aims to empower parents and practitioners alike to redefine health on their own terms and to offer support to the next generation without shaming their bodies.

About Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun: Dr. Rathbun has over 20 years of clinical experience in various mental health service agencies as a therapist. A clinical psychologist, she began her private practice in 2015 and has an office in New Haven, CT and also conducts individual and group therapy via telehealth. She is a certified Intuitive Eating counselor and a certified Eating Disorder specialist (CEDS), designated by IAEDP. Dr. Rathbun teaches intuitive eating and mindfulness classes at Yale University and does related consultant work for different agencies.  She is also trained in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and EMDR and works from a trauma informed and HAES perspective. Her specific clinical interests include evaluation and treatment of disordered eating and trauma, and helping people find peace with food, weight, and their bodies.

Connect more with Elizabeth:
IG: @pause.process.peace


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