Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life
Are you ready to end the war with food, discover total confidence in your body, AND achieve your health goals? If your answer is “yes” but you’re a tad skeptical, then you’re in the exact right place.
A rising leader in the industry, Beth Basham MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Liberated Body Coach. Beth helps women bridge food freedom with optimal health using principles of intuitive eating, emotional mastery, functional medicine, neuroscience, and dashes of spirituality. If you’re ready to break-free of the yo-yo diet cycle and elevate your physical and mental health to the optimal level from the inside out, now is the time and Beth can lead you there.
Every week you’ll learn new ways to break-free of chronic dieting, restrictive or binge eating, body hatred, and the overall madness of diet culture so you can start living your best and healthiest life in total confidence. If you’d like to work with Beth directly, visit
Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life
22. The 5 stages of becoming an intuitive eater
Discover what the 5 stages of becoming an Intuitive Eater are and why you should know about them. Beth elucidates the often difficult exploration stage, where one tackles the emotional challenge of feeling out of control with food and the temptation to view the body as a faulty machine. Find out how deep thought and somatic work, along with the support of weight-neutral healthcare providers, can transition you to the subsequent stages with grace and ease. Don't miss out on this empowering episode, and consider joining our free supportive Facebook group to continue the discussion!
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You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…
FREE 20 minute consult with Beth
Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.
Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group
Instagram: @bethbasham.rd
Facebook: @bethbasham.rd
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