Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life

44. Principle 5: How to discover your satisfaction factor

July 23, 2024 Beth Basham
44. Principle 5: How to discover your satisfaction factor
Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life
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Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life
44. Principle 5: How to discover your satisfaction factor
Jul 23, 2024
Beth Basham

Let's journey through Principle 5 of intuitive eating: Discovering Your Satisfaction Factor. Dive deep into the connections between decluttering your space and enhancing meal enjoyment, and uncover how tight-fitting clothes, ravenous hunger, and negative self-talk can steal satisfaction right off your plate. Learn about the magic of Vitamin P (Pleasure) and how to invite joy into your dining experiences. Beth shares practical steps to transform every meal into a satisfying and mindful experience, from asking what you truly crave to savoring each bite. Join us for a discussion that goes beyond food—where satisfaction is savored in every sense. 


Loving the podcast?

You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

FREE 20 minute consult with Beth

Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

Work with Beth 1:1




If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body...

Show Notes

Let's journey through Principle 5 of intuitive eating: Discovering Your Satisfaction Factor. Dive deep into the connections between decluttering your space and enhancing meal enjoyment, and uncover how tight-fitting clothes, ravenous hunger, and negative self-talk can steal satisfaction right off your plate. Learn about the magic of Vitamin P (Pleasure) and how to invite joy into your dining experiences. Beth shares practical steps to transform every meal into a satisfying and mindful experience, from asking what you truly crave to savoring each bite. Join us for a discussion that goes beyond food—where satisfaction is savored in every sense. 


Loving the podcast?

You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

FREE 20 minute consult with Beth

Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

Work with Beth 1:1




If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body...